A key factor when making repairs to homes damaged by storms is getting a professional storm damage inspection by a qualified contractor.
One of the most important reasons why homeowners must choose an experienced and dependable storm damage inspection service has to do with local building codes and the contractor’s ability to repair within those safety requirements.
Whether there are problems involving just the roof over a building or it extends to other parts of the structure, professional storm damage inspection companies must do all repairs and restoration in accordance with local building codes.
What Do Professional Storm Damage Inspections Reveal?
The obvious detail that storm damage inspections reveal is the extent of the damage that has happened during a storm.
Whether the damage affects the roof only or other parts of a structure as well, the first assessment made by a storm damage inspection service addresses what actually happened and creates a preliminary picture of what will be required to repair said damage.
These inspections do not offer a definitive explanation of required damage repairs as the repairs might involve additional attention depending on factors relating to local building codes and the age and original condition of the building.
What Are Building Codes?
Building codes are local ordinances that determine the minimum safety standards to which buildings must be constructed within a specific region in order to safely withstand local weather and risk conditions.
They are ordinances that storm damage inspection companies and restoration services must be educated about when assessing storm damage within that region, as the repair process is determined in part by local building code requirements.
Building Codes And Their Relation To Storm Damage
The relation to building codes and the repair assessments of storm damage inspection services lies in whether or not any obviously needed repairs would be up to code.
Per most local building codes, restoration companies are permitted to repair structures as long as the present damage has not reduced the structure beyond the point of SSD or substantial structural damage.
Structures damaged beyond this measure of SSD must undergo restoration instead.
Restoration requires storm damage inspection companies and restoration services to identify how and where the structure no longer meets current building code minimums and improve the structure as necessary.
Essentially, in cases where storm damage inspections reveal destruction that affects the safety and integrity of the structure according to modern standards, the whole structure must be restored in a way that updates it to meet current building code requirements.
Determining the difference between damage that requires repair and that which requires building code updates and restoration work requires attention from storm damage inspection services that not only know the difference but stay current on local building ordinances as they change throughout the years.
Work With Knowledgeable Storm Damage Inspection Services
When homes and buildings sustain damage in a storm, making repairs frequently involves much more than simply fixing what is on the surface.
Storm damage inspections by qualified contractors fully informed of local building codes may reveal issues that require restoration, including updates to bring the building up to the current building safety code.
Anyone wishing to avoid the issue of repairs not passing a local inspection must be sure to hire a storm damage inspection company that knows to look beyond the surface while identifying actual storm damage and when that damage is more significant than it initially seems.
Failing to do so could result in a need to redo those repairs after the structure is first brought into compliance with the local building code.
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